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So deal with it. Or you better back off...
Friday, July 24, 2009

“Katarantaduhan lang yan ng Administrasyong Arroyo”, these words blurted out of Chrysjan Navarro’s mouth as we asked him if he was aware that ConAss Bill was clandestinely pushed through during the midnight of July 2, 2009. He also said that he would no consent the bill.

A non-political person, Ms. Abi, was also unaware about the issue. She also won’t consent the bill, ‘cause majority of the citizens also don’t agree with the bill .

Our librarian, Ms. Nila Herrera, won’t also tolerate the bill. She said that the government didn’t define what ConAss really means. What she only knows is that our current president, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, will stay as our motherland’s Prime Minister. She also stated that it will be a big disadvantage because the gov’t only sides tih those who has shiny gold and diamonds.

Ms. Aida Balgomera, the Student’s Affairs Coordinator of the school, wasn’t also aware. Like many people, she also won’t consent the bill. She said that it will only prolong the president’s term.

Lastly, Mr. Nathaniel La-ab, a values education teacher, wasn’t also aware of the issue. But he will give chance to ConAss. He said that it is not limited to what people point out, that it will only lengthen PGMA’s capability to rule. It might also help the development of our country. So generally, he will tolerate the bill, provided that they won’t abuse the system.

Seeing the numbers of people who are unaware about the passing of the bill, and being one of those people, I myself would say that I would also not consent this issue. How could I tolerate such deceiving acts of our own government officials? Passing a bill behind our backs? What do you think they will do next? Remember that they have power over almost everything. One day, we will wake up knowing that our nation’s riches will vanish just because of their greed and vanities.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's June and it's school season here in my country, the Philippines. My school's name is Saint Alphonsus Liguori Integrated School. It's a private school but not big unlike those sophisticated looking schools. Behind it's look, is quality education. Most schools in this area focuses more on Sports than academics. We have our own school paper like most schools that competes with other school organs via Press Conferences which has divisions, regionals and nationals. I am not quite sure if they have International Conferences. Enough about those things, let's now jump to the "Permaculture" theme of our school. SALIS is the first school in the whole country to have the module or course about Permaculture. It is about "Permanent Agriculture" which, in my eyes, helps in the prevention of Global Warming and Earth destruction. Even the sections of the school changed because of this thing, sections are named after native trees of our country. Third Year Molave is the year I got in. Ms. Liezl is our class adviser, homeroom teacher and Geometry teacher. I have been seperated to most of my friends but I'm doing fine. In this situation I can focus on my studies more :D It's been a week actually after school started. English and Trigonometry are the subjects that rocks my jocks \m/ And so far I'm not haveing any major problems :D:D So bring on the cheers!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

In life, people come and go. You meddle with them, journey with them and even fight with them. And behind all those things that you do together, you sometimes fall in love with them. Love makes the strong weak, it makes the winners loose. People say that love is blind. But I say, it may be blind but it doesn't need a map. Because it can find its way on its own. You can even find love in a billboard advertisment or even in a blog. I always find lovers breaking up, too sad to see the debris of their passion scattered everywhere. So I thought that maybe if I love more, or more than a person expected he or she might not keep distance. That's why I loved you Mr. Never Ending ILY. The first time we met I was not serious, not one percent. But then as time goes by I realize what the feeling is. Im sorry for troubling you. But I won't forget you like you forgot me. I will remeber you as the guy who never ever failed, not even once, to make me smile. The story is still in my heart. And I'm thankful for those days that I have been able to know and talk to you. And if smiling is the only way that I will remember that a person like you had loved me, I will surely wear a smile everyday and in everyway that I can. I love you so much :)


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Okay I know it's a bit late, but like every human in the world. I spent mother's day with my one and only mom. She gave birth to me, clothed me and fed me. She's my all time best friend, she's always there for me. My father is always overseas. So she's usually the one who is with me. We spent the day with my Aunt and some of my cousins
Saturday, May 2, 2009

mY cOnfesSiOn

God, I know have no shame! But what is this?! I mean c'mon I usually do things without thinking and blabbing words without pausing, I even jump on conclusions with both feet! And guess what, last year I confronted someone and told him that I hate his guts 'cause I love him :x and now I plan to do the same to this guy. WTF!! I'm getting cold feet! OMFHG!!!! C'mon.. I'll update you when I already told him :)


okay here's the deal,
finally Llyanz made a confe and yipee~ yahoo's server is no longer topak!
so, we had a conference again and I was determined to tell him..
but then, i saw his post and it made me loose control so i bid everyone goodbye and logged out of ym..


after the walk out scene:

i went out of the house~
i climbed on our roof and saw stray cats..
i talked to them i was like crazy..
the cats were so kawaii
*poof back to reality*
i forgot that i still have the same problem..
i talked to the cats .. even thought they didn't respond to my problems they showed their affection by staying with me the whole time. And as i look into their eyes i was "Gaaah~why do they have to be cute even though they're stray cats!"
and then it was time for me to go to bed..
I slept teary-eyed but i was kinda happy of what those cats did :)
Friday, May 1, 2009

Your New Template

notice your new skin eh? I was the one who made that from my heart :x I envy those who have their own personalized
blog skin, I'm like "Who the hell are they to have their own blog skin?" so I opened my photoshop and got my ass working for images (even though I'm not that good :P ) but hey~ at least I gave my best.
And notice your background song, it's soo sweet. I really love this song from Full House sang by Byul.


The Header Image:

now, look at the image above with my effin pictures
even though my face sucks, i really want this blog to be "me"
because all of my feelings and experiences are in here,
and the quote, "Once you'd get a grip of me, never let go. I'll be your remedy, hope and love" was made by me (a big round of applause for ellie!!). I really want to tell that line to someone :( badly. Ate Jhaeanne (joanne eunice) knows him :( and she promised me she won't tell (yippe!whatta relief!) but i only crush him :P and nothing more :D


The Background image:

It's made up of foilage, vector, star, petals, and waterstain brushes :P
I just click click the brushes *lol* I'm prolly lazy :))


That's it blog, I hope you like it. I've shred my sweat and blood in making this one :x


Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Game Called Grand Chase

Hey hey hey~
I just finished playing Grand Chase. It's one of Level Up Game's casual online game xD
Im not a "pro" or "fly" in playing this game. But I spend tons of money just for the game card *lols*
Okay, I met this reaaaalllyy cool player and he is now level 54 *omigaad* he said that he will help me in getting my old
account so we could PVP together :x okay, that happened last week when i officially stopped playing
because i was sooo pissed off with my old account x[. Back to the topic, now i played GC and he was online *redface*
he pm-ed me and he said he will wait for me and for the mean time he'll boost up my current character *blush*
omiggaad im so landee na tuloy. Haha, anyways Im planning to play 24/7 so I can recover all my loss :)

But I will write to you everything that's important :x i will always keep you updated :x
